October 14, 2010

cool advertisements

Fitness First - Wait Watching

You can no longer live in denial about your weight, thanks to this fantastic and terrifying marketing initiative from health club chain. In the Netherlands commuters are faced with viewing their body weight when they take a seat at this bus stop. The ad's aim is to increase membership numbers at the local Fitness First.

Nikon D700 Guerrilla Style Billboard

This light-box billboard displays life-like images of paparazzi at a busy Seoul subway station. The paparazzi are shown to be huddled together as if at a premiere, competing for the best celebrity snap. The celebrities are the passersby, who automatically trigger the flashing camera lights as they walk past the billboard. The passersby then follow the red carpet all the way out of the station and into the mall, where they could purchase the new D700.

Extra Strong Priorin Shampoo
Some say that the simplest of ideas make the best advertisements. This ad depicts the wacky hairdo's kid make with the bath bubbles in the bathtub.

Get Them off Your Dog - People as Fleas
Indonesia has taken interactivity and advertisements to a new level, with this massive floor sticker in a Jakarta shopping centre. When you view the ad on the upper levels the people walking down below look like disgusting fleas.

NSW Police Campaign - Watch for cars when wearing headphones
A print campaign to raise awareness of the number of teenagers dying as a result of listening to ipods while crossing the road.

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